How is the fertilizer granulator distinguished?

When many people choose a fertilizer granulator, they don’t know what kind of fertilizer granulator to choose. The difference between fertilizer granulators is to choose the appropriate granulation method according to the requirements of the materials. The granulator is just a big general term, and there are subdivisions and branches below. Mainly divided into two major categories: dry and wet

1. Dry granulation

Mainly refers to the product with relatively low moisture content. Generally, the moisture content below 10% is a zero boundary value. (There are also very few materials that can reach 16%, such as: some materials themselves only have crystal water) dry granulation is mostly made of irregular particles (such as; common granular potash) or more popular like small gravel The sub-shapes are similar.

2. Wet granulation

The main indicators are water with more than 20% moisture. There are also many kinds of equipment and methods in wet granulation. Such as: disc granulation, drum granulation, screw granulation, many years ago, the method has been continued, and the continuous improvement of the use environment and processing requirements of different materials has also made great progress. Such as the relatively hot organic fertilizer granulation in these years, the particle size of the particles between 1mm – 6mm is more than the above several methods.

Compared with wet granulation, dry granulation has lower energy consumption and is more environmentally friendly. It does not need to be dried, no water and binder, so it does not change the material properties; this is also the difference between dry granulation and wet granulation. advantage. More suitable for industrial large-scale mass production.